Notified body No. 0809 EUROFINS EXPERT SERVICES OY Kivimiehentie 4, FI-02150 Espoo, Finland CERTIFICATE OF CONSTANCY OF PERFORMANCE 0809-CPR-1015 In compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (the Construction Products Regulation or CPR), this certificate applies to the construction products Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made mineral wool products presented on pages 2 - 10 placed on the market under the name or trade mark of Paroc Group Energiakuja 3, P.O. Box 240 FI-00181 Helsinki and produced in the manufacturing plants Paroc Oy Ab , FI-21600 Parainen, Finland Paroc AB , SE-53394 Hällekis, Sweden Paroc AB , Norra Industrigatan, SE-28122 Hässleholm, Sweden UAB Paroc , Savanoriu 124, LT-03153 Vilnius, Lithuania Paroc Polska Sp. z o.o. , Ul. Gnieznienska 4, PL-62-240 Trzemeszno, Poland according to pages 2 - 1 This certificate attests that all provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in Annex ZA of the standard EN 13162:2012+A1:2015 under system 1 for the performances set out in this certificate are applied and that the factory production control conducted by the manufacturer is assessed to ensure the constancy of performance of the construction product. This certificate was first issued on September 16, 2013 and will remain valid as long as neither the harmonised standard, the construction product, the AVCP methods nor the manufacturing conditions in the plant are modified significantly, unless suspended or withdrawn by the notified product certification body. The validity of the certificate may be confirmed at the web address Espoo, June 22, 2023 Katja Vahtikari Manager, Construction Certification Electronically approved v 2.6 Tiina Tirkkonen Senior Expert Page 1 of 10
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