ver1 2015 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION in ac c ordanc e with I S O 1 4 0 2 5 , I S O 2 1 9 3 0 and E N 1 5 8 0 4 O wner of the dec laration: P rogram operator: P ublis her: D ec laration number: Regis tration number: E C O P latform referenc e number: Is s ue date: V alid to: L indab Profil A B T he N orwegian E PD F oundation T he N orwegian E PD F oundation NEPD-2269-1037-EN NEPD-2269-1037-EN - 29.06.2020 29.06.2025 Lindab ConstruLine Lindab Profil AB www.epd- nor g 1 / 8
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