Circular Economy that transforms waste into a valuable and sustainable product. Totally natural, reusable and recyclable, cork is perfectly aligned with the ecological awareness of contemporary society. Sedacor has implemented an integrated production process, through which it ensures the reuse of all by-products resulting from the transformation of cork. Therefore, there is no waste or residues of cork, consequently and that "nothing is lost, everything is transformed". Our commitment to sustainability goes further, using a natural and renewable material is just the beginning. Sedacor's sustainability is also focused on the production process, transforming it into a green and sustainable process. Biomass Because nothing is lost at SEDACOR, even the powder resulting from the production lines is aspirated and taken to silos where it is burned to generate energy through biomass, in a process that is neutral in terms of carbon emissions. In this way, Sedacor is committed to the development of products and solutions that are efficient in terms of resources, produced in a sustainable manner and based on a sustainable raw material - cork. PROMOTION OF SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT Although Sedacor does not have its own forests, it recognizes that the management of sustainable forests is a strategic priority. Sedacor obtained the certification of its FSC Chain of Custody (Forest Stewardship Council). 2|2
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