B - EPD ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION ARGEX Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate AR 8/16 – 340 GEO used for thermal insulation of 1m² for buildings (roofs, floors and foundations, etc.), applied with a thickness of 11.4 cm that gives a thermal resistance (R- value) of 1 (m²∙K/W), with a li fe span of 100 years. Issued 16.09.2021 Valid until 16.09.2026 Third party verified Conform to EN 15804+A2 and NBN/DTD B08-001 and ISO 14025 Modules declared A123 A4 A5 B C D ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ [B-EPD n° 21-0134-002.00.00 ] OWNER OF THIS ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION ARGEX EPD PROGRAM OPERATOR Federal Public Service of Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment www.b-epd.be The intended use of this EPD is to communicate scientifically based environmental information for construction products, for the purpose of assessing the environmental performance of buildings. This EPD is only valid when registered on www.b-epd.be. The FPS Public Health cannot be held responsible for the information provided by the owner of the EPD.
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